
I am in "awareness" zone of this competency if:

This means I:

  • Show open-mindedness with regard to proposed or implemented changes.

  • Understand your environment as an evolving system.

  • Demonstrate flexibility when faced with uncertainty or ambiguity.

  • Consider unexpected events and problems as opportunities for value creation.

  • Recognize changes in the environment requiring actions that exceed your capabilities and seek help.

  • Complete your work even in ambiguous situations.


I am in the « working knowledge" zone of this competency if I have mastered "awarness" zone and:

This means I:

  • Ask relevant and constructive questions in order to better grasp the elements of a complex situation.

  • Propose flexible and scalable solutions considering stakeholders as well as the current context and how it is likely to change.


I am in the "full command" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Collaborate with others with an eye on objectives.

  • Implement concrete actions to handle complex situations and adjust based on results.

  • Guide peers through complex situations to help them to improve their own agility.


I am in the "expertise" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Demonstrate innovation in competency development and knowledge transfer methods.

  • Communicate developments in agility (outside of the organization).


I am in the "leadership" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Develop new models or conceptual frameworks related to agility in an organizational context.

  • Design new tools to increase agility in complex situations.

My list of competencies


Here are the competencies you selected.