
I am in "awareness" zone of this competency if:

This means I:

  • Comply with formal and informal laws and standards as well as social codes that apply to the workplace.

  • Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviours.

  • Identify situations that call for action.

  • Comply with all ethical obligations, such as professional secrecy and the confidentiality and integrity of information.

  • Have the courage to act and report any identified situations or behaviours deemed unethical.

  • Take full responsibility for your decisions.

  • Recognize when a situation requires the support of professionals with a higher level of competency and seek their assistance.


I am in the « working knowledge" zone of this competency if I have mastered "awarness" zone and:

This means I:

  • Apply labour laws, collective agreements, case law, and corporate policy by identifying situations that may present an ethical issue.

  • Handle and ensure all personnel handles personal, professional, and corporate data in an appropriate and compliant manner.


I am in the "full command" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Identify risks of harm, including conflicts of interest, to the individuals involved.

  • Establish and maintain the decision-making framework, while safeguarding the relationship of trust with stakeholders at all times.

  • Implement an approach or system to manage situations that may be ethically challenging.

  • Exercise proper judgment during ethically complex or ambiguous situations.


I am in the "expertise" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Demonstrate innovation in competency development and knowledge transfer methods.

  • Communicate developments in ethics (outside of the organization).


I am in the "leadership" zone of this competency if I have mastered all previous levels and:

This means I:

  • Develop new models or conceptual frameworks for work ethics.

  • Design new professional ethics compliance tools.

  • Take action to help the labour market and society as a whole progress in terms of ethics.

My list of competencies


Here are the competencies you selected.